Our Clients


Provided an assessment upon current and emerging risks and threats to UK border security and evolving post Brexit security requirements; and how their product might be adapted to the relevant UK government agencies and UK Border actors to mitigate or resolve them.  The aim was help Osprey Flight Solutions Ltd to adapt their product to enable them to mount a case to the UK government and relevant agencies - particularly in the light of the UK Border 2025 Strategy and the potential for engagement with the Border Innovation Hub and the UK Border Protocol Delivery Group (BPDG) at the cabinet office.


Thisreview was focused upon. 

1.  Atkins role in the Future Borders, including how their vision matches market expectations.

2.  Atkins capabilities, and how Atkins is viewed in the “Borders” market.

3.  How Atkins is perceived against the competition in key areas of the UK Border market, and how that might be enhanced.

4.  Any actions and improvements Atkins could make to advance potential of their “Borders” campaign.

Department of Justice, ROI

We were invited to review the service delivery strategyfor the Irish Nationality and Immigration Service. This assessment focused in particularon risks and issues to border and immigration processes and how these might bemitigated or resolved.


Quality assured Portr’s baggage concierge service


Delivered workshop on the North Afghanistan Border Management Programme.


Won the competition to deliver a new methodology of managing passenger movements for cars and coaches.


Advised on a range of operational and tactical processes for integrated border management. Clients included EU and overseas governments.


Provided strategic and operational advice across a range of issues.


Appointed to the advisory board.